Tuesday, May 14, 2013

1 month update

I am a week late writing Dash's one month update! But I figure better late than never. Dash turned one whole month old on the 10th! Having a baby is totally a time warp experience. I feel like I gave birth a year ago. It's really hard to believe that Dash is only one month old. At one month, Dash:

- Sleeps for around 4 hours in his swing in the afternoon on most good days. 
- Sleeps really well through the night only waking up once or twice to eat (which is easy because I'm breastfeeding and co sleeping for the time being)
- Eats all day!
- Gets pretty gassy every few days and as a result, gets very fussy, which leads to him not napping all day...
- And on a good day, he can sleep what seems like all day!
- Hates his baby bath.
- Puts up with bathing with me.
- Loves looking out the window.
- Only likes a pacifier half the time it's offered.
- Loves being burped and bounced.
- And the absolute best for last: he smiles!! They are still few and far between but so very adorable!

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