Thursday, September 4, 2014

Maple pumpkin spice latte

Ok, I have a confession to make- I'm not a big fan of Starbucks. Don't get me wrong, it will suffice in a pinch and I'll never turn down a gingerbread latte (unless of course I can master a homemade one by December!) but in general I find starbucks lattes lack the creamy, foamy goodness that a latte should possess and are usually way too sweet for my liking. Not to mention the scary price. So what do I do? I DIY! Since discovering the other day that making a homemade latte without an espresso machine is extremely easy, I decided to play around with flavoring- and what better flavor than pumpkin spice to kick off September! Maple pumpkin spice to be exact. Read on for ingredients and directions and you will be amazed at how easy it is to have gourmet coffee in the comfort if your own home!

You will need
-Half a mug of really strong coffee or espresso. I like to use medaglia d'oro instant espresso powder but you can absolutely use regular coffee, just use the espresso sized setting on your keurig to make sure it's really strong. 
-1 cup of milk 
-1 Tbsp. of half n half if you want it extra rich
-1 heaping Tbsp. of pumpkin purée (around 2 leveled off Tbsp)
-2 tsp. of pure maple syrup (more if you like it sweet)
-1/2 tsp. pumpkin spice
-1/2-1 Tbsp. coconut oil
* the coconut oil helps with frothing the milk. I have left it out and the result is still foamy but not as much so. Plus, you get a quick shot of healthy fats in the morning without noticing the taste!

Brew your coffee and set aside. Using a magic bullet or blender, add all ingredients except for coffee and milk. Measure your milk and add to a small saucepan and simmer over medium heat. It won't take long to start to foam up. When it does, take it off the heat and add to your blender. Blend for 1 minute. Pour slowly over espresso and be sure to scrape the thick foam on top. Sprinkle a little extra pumpkin spice or cinnamon sugar on top, sip slowly, and enjoy! 

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