Friday, March 29, 2013

38 weeks pregnant

So the charger for my laptop kicked the bucket, therefore I haven't been blogging. I'm doing this quick update on my phone.

38 weeks pregnant. Goodness gracious sweet baby Jesus how did I get to full term so fast?! I've been getting your good trusty false labor contractions for a couple weeks now. They are a huge pain in my ass considering, as a first time mom, I have no idea what to expect as far as "real labor" goes. I know that when it happens I'll know. It's just the anticipation of waiting that is killing me. My midwife told me yesterday at my appointment that I may be having an Easter baby. Seeing as Easter is in two days, I find that extremely unlikely. But again, seeing as I was awoken this morning by strong contractions, I guess it could be any time now. *le sigh* I'm too impatient for this. I seem to have gone from nervous to excited/anxious in half a second. (Ok, I'm still nervous, but mainly I just want this little squish out of my body and into my arms) is this too much to ask? Two more weeks until I officially serve eviction papers. Maybe. We'll see. Please just come soon.

1 comment:

larisaa said...

You found my IG and I found your blog! Yay for new friends =]

I hope you come back to blogging soon so I can double stalk your cute baby boy! He's so presh! Isn't it crazy to look back on your belly and imagine a baby in there?! I can't even imagine how he fit in there. I'm sure he's much happier now that he can stretch it out! ;]